Courses about
Sites with much useful information
Pavlac, Brian A. "HIST/WMST 444 The Witch Hunts 1400-1800." King's College,
Wilkes-Barre (Fall 2008) <http://departments.kings.edu/history/hist444.html>.
The course behind these witch pages, a syllabus with links to different parts of
the site and around the web.
Clark, Charles. "HISTORY 4485/5485 History of Western Witchcraft."
University of Western Georgia (Summer 2006) <http://www.westga.edu/~history/faculty/Clark/hist5485HISTORY
OF WESTERN WITCHCRAFTsyllsum2006.pdf>.
Detailed syllabus and schedule, with a page of useful links to sites about the
history of witchcraft.
Leeson, Whitney A. M. "The History of Witchcraft." Roanoke College.
(n.d.) <http://www.roanoke.edu/history/Leeson/Witchcraft/newintro.html>.
Detailed syllabus, pictures, lectures, sources, links, etc.
Parish, Helen. "Approaches to History: Witches and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe:
The Malleus Maleficarum." University of Reading (Fall 2004) <http://www.personal.rdg.ac.uk/~lhs99hlp/approaches.htm>.
Syllabus with useful links to other courses, sources, and articles.
Booth, Roy. "EN3012 Witchcraft and Drama." Royal Holloway, University
of London (2004) <http://personal.rhul.ac.uk/uhle/001/EN3012.htm>
Many links to visual and written sources.
Luttmer, Frank. "History 260: Special Topics The History of the Devil" (Winter Semester 2000)<http://history.hanover.edu/courses/260w00lu.html>. Some material on witches.
Mulligan, Sean. "Philosophy 145: Metaphysics and Epistemology of Witchcraft."
The Unversity of Western Ontario (April 2005) <http://instruct.uwo.ca/philosophy/145e/witchcraft%20COVER%20PAGE.htm>.
Some links and resources, but most valuable are the extensive lecture notes in
rtf format. See also his Witch Hunts in the Modern Era <http://instruct.uwo.ca/mit/376g/course_info_376.htm>.
Lansing, Carol. "History 4B." The University of California, Santa Barbara
(Winter 2005) <http://www.history.ucsb.edu/faculty/lansing/classes/hist4b/materials/Week9.pdf>.
Selection of witch readings as part of a larger survey course.
Webster, Tom. "Early Modern English Witchcraft." The
University of Edinburgh. (2007) <http://www.shc.ed.ac.uk/undergraduate/Onesemester/documents/EarlyModernWitchcraft.pdf>.
Detailed course syllabus.
Cocalis, Susan. "GERMAN 363 Witches: Myth & Historical Reality."
University of Massachusetts (Fall 2006) <http://www-unix.oit.umass.edu/~germ363/index.html>.
Detailed syllabus with illustrations and a page of some good links.
Sites with a little information
Bilinkoff, Jodi. "History 315 Witchcraft and Magic in European History." The
University of North Carolina, Greensboro (Spring 2005) <http://www.uncg.edu/his/docs/Spring05/315-01Bilinkoff.pdf>.
Simple syllabus and schedule.
Goodare, Julian. "The European Witch-Hunt SH0056." University of Edinburgh
(2003/04) <http://www.drps.ed.ac.uk/07-08/course.php?code=U01082>.
Basic course info--previous site had a good bibliography.
Monheit, Michael L. "HISTORY 343 Witchcraft and Magic in Earl Modern
Europe." University of South Alabama (Summer 2003) <http://www.southalabama.edu/history/faculty/monheit/WTCH-SUMMER2003.SYL.pdf>.
Simple syllabus and schedule.
Dead Links? Courses once offered but no more?
Glowa, Josef K. "GERM 291 (same as IDIS 291) Witches and Demons in German
Culture and Literature." Moravian College (Fall 2005) <http://home.moravian.edu/users/frlang/mejkg01/Witches%202003.htm>. Dead
Syllabus with readings, a few pictures and useful links.
Harley, David. "History 418 Witchcraft and the Occult, 1400-1700." The
University of Notre Dame du Lac (Spring 2001) <http://www.nd.edu/~dharley/witchcraft/homepage.html>
Dead Link?
Syllabus with numerous links to outside sources and websites, essays by the
instructor (usually illustrated with primary source pictures), and many other
helpful sources and articles (link to HARLEY, DAVID. "Historians as
Demonologists: The Myth of the Midwife-witch." Social History of Medicine
1990 3(1):1-26; <http://shm.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/3/1/1>).
Kord, Suzanne and Suzanne Rinner. "GERM-201 Witches in History, Myth and Fiction."
Georgetown University
(2003) <http://www.georgetown.edu/faculty/kords/dept/courses/GERM201.html>
Dead Link? or <http://www3.georgetown.edu/departments/german/courses/germ201.html>.
Dead Link?
Simple syllabus with detailed schedule of readings.
Luebke, David M. "Witches in Europe: Power and Belief
1350-1750." University of Oregon (
Spring 2002). <http://www.uoregon.edu/~dluebke/Witches442/442WitchesHomepage.html> Dead
Course syllabus with lists of readings and useful links to sources.
Mayer, Thomas, et al. "Witchcraft 1100-1700." Augustana College <http://www.augustana.edu/academ/history/witchcraft/index.htm>. Dead
Collaborative effort by HI 280 class, with timeline, maps, pictures and
Reinle, C and R. Walz. "Hauptseminar: Hexenverfolgungen in Sptmittelalter und frher
Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum (Summer 2003)
<http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/mittelalter1/seminarplan.html>. Dead
In German: simple syllabus with themes and bibliography.
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URL: http://departments.kings.edu/womens_history/witchcourses.html |